
Contract Awarded
In 3056, the planet suffered raids from a group of pirates named Silver's Slayers, led by a man named Vince Silver. The local garrison, Bryceland's Royal Guard, was unable to stop the pirates, who always escaped almost intact. The Slayers crippled Fanto island during most of their raids, and in 3057, captured the Duke's heir, Samantha Davion-Harland before escaping into the Periphery. The Duke hired a group of mercenaries (Aces Wild) to rescue her, and the mercenaries followed the Slayers to the Periphery world of Antallos. After finding the pirates, the Aces Wild discovered that Samantha hadn't been kidnapped, but had in fact escaped with the pirates willingly. Worse still, the ACES Wild learned that the commander of Bryceland Royal Guard, General Amon Freeder, had hired the Slayers to raid the planet and capture Samantha, planning to depose the Duke and take his place. The mercenaries and pirates joined forces temporarily, returned together to Bryceland, and after a daring assault defeated the Royal Guard and arrested Freeder.
Mission 1 Bryceland:
Raid Pirate bases on BryceLand. Destroy identified pirate buildings and assets to slow down their war fighting ability. While destroying targeted buildings and pacifying area, other buildings will be scanned for Samantha Davion-Harland. A ground search team is standing by on Omaha waiting to do detailed searches and intel gathering. Echo Company will be split in 3 lances to recon the suspected pirate hiding locations. Buildings and assets marked for destruction will be identified after insertion. As with all AW operations keep civilian casualties to a minimum. See mission briefing below for more info.
Mission 2 Antallos
Echo Company forces harried the Slayers in the search for Samantha Davion-Harland and succeeded in searching several pirate bases for Intel. Echo Company command lance had to defend against a counter attack against AW base of operations. Ultimately Echo Company succeeded in all their missions forcing the Slayer's into a full retreat that turned into a flight off-world. Intel from searched pirate bases suggests that they fled to Antallos .
Echo Company in hot pursuit in the AW Drop ship Omaha travels to Antallos. Upon setting up a base of operation on the Pirate infested planet Major Farstar received incoming transmission from an unlikely source requesting assistance:
Mission 3 Back To Bryceland
Echo Company and Silver's Slayers return to Bryceland after secretly taking a contract with Duke Morris Harland-Davion to deal with the corrupt usurper General Ammon Freeder the leader of the local Royal Guard Militia. Both the Slayers and Echo are coming in from a pirate jump point and in total secret to drop in unexpectedly and help the Duke secure his Dutchy.
Successful completion should net the Aces Wild a bonus to the original contract of bringing the Duke's daughter home. I don't think anyone expected her to come back PPC's ablaze to protect her homeland!
__//maj. fARSTAR.
Thanks to our sponsors at:
Strong-wood Pharmaceuticals

The Bryceland system was settled during or shortly before the Age of War, and joined the Outworlds Alliance prior to the Reunification War. House Davion forces attempted to annex Bryceland in 2584, following SLDF redeployments removed units from occupied worlds in the Outworlds Alliance to fight against the Taurian Concordat, but the attempt was successfully thwarted by Hehiro Kurita, and in 2585 Bryceland was formally seceeded to the Draconis Combine as a part of the terms laid out within the Treaty of Cerberus. House Davion would eventually claim Bryceland as their own. Forces of the Kuritan Black Dragon Society raided Bryceland for supplies in 3075, but their raid was unsuccessful; the AFFS commander on Bryceland had the demolition charges within the underground storage bunkers detonated to prevent the Kokuryu-kai from capturing any of the materiel or weapons contained within them. The Black Dragons had apparently managed to land more than two regiments of mixed infantry on Bryceland, including Battle Armor squads equipped with Kanazuchi suits aboard an Overlord-class DropShip that avoided detection by using a civilian Mammoth-class DropShip to obscure its signal. Even before the Black Dragon DropShip landed, the organization had apparently infiltrated commandos onto Bryceland at least three
months earlier, and those commandos struck with devastating results as their fellows landed.
